Forensic Psychology Inquiry Form

Dr. Curry works directly with attorneys, courts, and government agencies. She is unable to respond to inquiries sent from non-attorneys. If you are involved in a legal proceeding and are interested in Dr. Curry’s services, please have your attorney reach out.

"*" indicates required fields

Attorney First Name*
Attorney Last Name*
Were you referred?*

Case Information

Which forensic services are you seeking? (Select all that apply)*
*Expert Case Consultation cannot be combined with evaluation and/or testimony
No Contingency Fee Arrangements*
Payment for Dr. Curry's services is billed by retainer and is not contingent on the outcome of any legal matter.
Please describe the anticipated start date and timeline for forensic psychology services.
Please provide any additional information about your case and the reason for seeking forensic psychological services.

By submitting this inquiry you affirm that you are an attorney or representative of a law firm or government agency.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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